Results for 'Jesse Albert Torenbosch'

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  1.  28
    John Dewey, Smith-Hughes, and Vocational Education: A New Impetus for an Old Discussion.Jesse Albert Torenbosch & Joke Vandenabeele - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (6):617-632.
    Many modern discussions on Vocational education and Training (VET) only consider it’s goals in terms of the labor market or social inclusion. This article argues that vocations are an important contribution to the common good of society as whole, and not only a method of securing laborers. In order to acknowledge this contribution there needs to be a reorientation on VET from an educational perspective first and foremost. In order to do this, this article revisits a public debate John Dewey (...)
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    Inexhaustible education: on supplementarity and a youth work “yet-to-come”.Jesse Albert Torenbosch, Jonathan Darling & Joke Vandenabeele - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (2):143-167.
    Following the work of Jacques Derrida and modern educational authors, this article argues that Western education currently holds mainstream formal educational practices as the standard by which all other educational practices should be judged. This is a problem because this positions every other educational practice, including non-formal education as supplemental to formal education. Derrida calls this the logic of supplementarity. Drawing on data from over 2 years of research in Flemish youth work, that the logic of supplementarity inhibits non-formal educational (...)
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    Means-end relations and a measure of efficacy.Jesse Hughes, Albert Esterline & Bahram Kimiaghalam - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 15 (1-2):83-108.
    Propositional dynamic logic (PDL) provides a natural setting for semantics of means-end relations involving non-determinism, but such models do not include probabilistic features common to much practical reasoning involving means and ends. We alter the semantics for PDL by adding probabilities to the transition systems and interpreting dynamic formulas 〈α〉 ϕ as fuzzy predicates about the reliability of α as a means to ϕ. This gives our semantics a measure of efficacy for means-end relations.
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    Technology and Values: Getting beyond the "Device Paradigm" Impasse.Jesse S. Tatum - 1994 - Science, Technology and Human Values 19 (1):70-87.
    Albert Borgmann's notion of the "device paradigm" can be used to explain a widely experienced frustration encountered in attempts to put people's values into practice in a technological world: Technologies increasingly embraced as a means of disburdening them from social and bodily engagement also increasingly constrain their efforts to express their values through action. Expressive elements of their actions are effectively fixed by, and incorporated in, the devices they adopt. Ethnographic investigation of the "home power" movement in the United (...)
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  5. Islam, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism.Navras Jaat Aafreedi, Raihanah Abdullah, Zuraidah Abdullah, Iqbal S. Akhtar, Blain Auer, Jehan Bagli, Parvez M. Bajan, Carole A. Barnsley, Michael Bednar, Clinton Bennett, Purushottama Bilimoria, Leila Chamankhah, Jamsheed K. Choksy, Golam Dastagir, Albert De Jong, Amanullah De Sondy, Arthur Dudney, Janis Esots, Ilyse R. Morgenstein Fuerst, Jonathan Goldstein, Rebecca Ruth Gould, Thomas K. Gugler, Vivek Gupta, Andrew Halladay, Sowkot Hossain, A. R. M. Imtiyaz, Brannon Ingram, Ayesha A. Irani, Barbara C. Johnson, Ramiyar P. Karanjia, Pasha M. Khan, Shenila Khoja-Moolji, Søren Christian Lassen, Riyaz Latif, Bruce B. Lawrence, Joel Lee, Matthew Long, Iik A. Mansurnoor, Anubhuti Maurya, Sharmina Mawani, Seyed Mohamed Mohamed Mazahir, Mohamed Mihlar, Colin P. Mitchell, Yasien Mohamed, A. Azfar Moin, Rafiqul Islam Molla, Anjoom Mukadam, Faiza Mushtaq, Sajjad Nejatie, James R. Newell, Moin Ahmad Nizami, Michael O’Neal, Erik S. Ohlander, Jesse S. Palsetia, Farid Panjwani & Rooyintan Pesh Peer - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    The earlier volume in this series dealt with two religions of Indian origin, namely, Buddhism and Jainism. The Indian religious scene, however, is characterized by not only religions which originated in India but also by religions which entered India from outside India and made their home here. Thus religious life in India has been enlivened throughout its history by the presence of religions of foreign origin on its soil almost from the very time they came into existence. This volume covers (...)
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    The cognitive foundations of visual consciousness: Why should we favour a processing approach?Francesco Marchi & Albert Newen - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (2):247-264.
    How can we investigate the foundations of consciousness? In addressing this question, we will focus on the two main strategies that authors have adopted so far. On the one hand, there is research aimed at characterizing a specific content, which should account for conscious states. We may call this the content approach. On the other hand, one finds the processing approach, which proposes to look for a particular way of processing to account for consciousness.. Our aim, in this paper, is (...)
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    Reviews in Medical Ethics: The Ethics and Regulation of Research with Human Subjects, Carl Coleman, Jerry Menikoff, Jesse Goldner, and Nancy Dubler, eds., (LexisNexis) 2005.David B. Resnik - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (2):465-466.
    The Ethics and Regulation of Research with Human Subjects, edited by Professors Carl Coleman of Seton Hall, Jerry Menikoff of the University of Kansas, Jesse Goldner of Saint Louis University, and Nancy Dubler of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, is an up-to-date and authoritative collection of readings on ethical, legal, and policy issues in research with human subjects. The authors have modeled their text on the casebook style commonly used in law schools. At 746 pages, plus front (...)
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  8. Weird Fiction: A Catalyst for Wonder.Jan B. W. Pedersen - 2020 - Wonder, Education and Human Flourishing: Theoretical, Emperical and Practical Perspectives.
    One of the vexed questions in the philosophy of wonder and indeed education is how to ensure that the next generation harbours a sense of wonder. Wonder is important, we think, because it encour- ages inquiry and keeps us as Albert Einstein would argue from ‘being as good as dead’ or ‘snuffed-out candles’ (Einstein 1949, 5). But how is an educator to install, bring to life, or otherwise encourage a sense of wonder in his or her stu- dents? Biologist (...)
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  9. The Call of The Wild: Terror Modulations.Berit Soli-Holt & Isaac Linder - 2013 - Continent 3 (2):60-65.
    This piece, included in the drift special issue of continent., was created as one step in a thread of inquiry. While each of the contributions to drift stand on their own, the project was an attempt to follow a line of theoretical inquiry as it passed through time and the postal service from October 2012 until May 2013. This issue hosts two threads: between space & place and between intention & attention. The editors recommend that to experience the drifiting thought (...)
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    Application of Law to the Childhood Obesity Epidemic.Jess Alderman, Jason A. Smith, Ellen J. Fried & Richard A. Daynard - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (1):90-112.
    Childhood obesity is in important respects a result of legal policies that influence both dietary intake and physical activity. The law must shift focus away from individual risk factors alone and seek instead to promote situational and environmental influences that create an atmosphere conducive to health. To attain this goal, advocates should embrace a population-wide model of public health, and policymakers must critically examine the fashionable rhetoric of consumer choice.
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  11. The emotional construction of morals.Jesse Prinz - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Jesse Prinz argues that recent work in philosophy, neuroscience, and anthropology supports two radical hypotheses about the nature of morality: moral values are based on emotional responses, and these emotional responses are inculcated by culture, not hard-wired through natural selection. In the first half of the book, Jesse Prinz defends the hypothesis that morality has an emotional foundation. Evidence from brain imaging, social psychology, and psychopathology suggest that, when we judge something to be right or wrong, we are (...)
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  12. The emotional construction of morals * by Jesse Prinz * oxford university press, 2007. XII + 334 pp. 25.00: Summary. [REVIEW]Jesse Prinz - 2009 - Analysis 69 (4):701-704.
    The Emotional Construction of Morals is a book about moral judgements – the kinds of mental states we might express by sentences such as, ‘It's bad to flash your neighbors’, or ‘You ought not eat your pets’. There are three basic questions that get addressed: what are the psychological states that constitute such judgements? What kinds of properties do such judgements refer to? And, where do these judgements come from? The first question concerns moral psychology, the second metaethics and the (...)
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  13. The Conscious Brain: How Attention Engenders Experience.Jesse Prinz - 2012 - , US: Oup Usa.
    The Conscious Brain brings neuroscientific evidence to bear on enduring philosophical questions. Major philosophical and scientific theories of consciousness are surveyed, challenged, and extended.
  14. Furnishing the Mind: Concepts and Their Perceptual Basis.Jesse J. Prinz - 2002 - MIT Press.
  15.  70
    Ethical Implications of Physician Involvement in Lawsuits on Behalf of the Tobacco Industry.Jess Alderman - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (4):692-698.
    Physicians have long served as expert witnesses in litigation, and their medical knowledge can contribute to the appropriate resolution of a case. However, ethical issues may arise when physicians appear on behalf of the tobacco industry. Two ways that doctors participate in lawsuits are through depositions and by testifying in court during trial. The Tobacco Deposition and Trial Testimony Archive is an electronic database of depositions, trial testimony, opening and closing statements, and other material from tobacco lawsuits collected by the (...)
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    Get it together: troubling tales from the liberal fringe.Jesse Watters - 2024 - New York, NY: Broadside Books.
    A series of interviews with people from various backgrounds, showing how people's personal experiences influences their politics.
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    Life, what a puzzle!: fitting the pieces together.Jesse C. MacLeay - 1998 - San Antonio, Tex.: Constitution Press.
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  18. Problem : The Role of Anxiety in Judgment.Jesse A. Mann - 1961 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 35:117.
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    Mapping the moral domain.Jesse Graham, Brian A. Nosek, Jonathan Haidt, Ravi Iyer, Spassena Koleva & Peter H. Ditto - 2011 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 101 (2):366-385.
    The moral domain is broader than the empathy and justice concerns assessed by existing measures of moral competence, and it is not just a subset of the values assessed by value inventories. To fill the need for reliable and theoretically grounded measurement of the full range of moral concerns, we developed the Moral Foundations Questionnaire on the basis of a theoretical model of 5 universally available sets of moral intuitions: Harm/Care, Fairness/Reciprocity, Ingroup/Loyalty, Authority/Respect, and Purity/Sanctity. We present evidence for the (...)
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    Against metaethical imperialism: Several arguments for equal partnerships between the deontic and aretaic.Jesse Couenhoven - 2010 - Journal of Religious Ethics 38 (3):521-544.
    Virtue and deontological ethics are now commonly contrasted as rival approaches to moral inquiry. However, I argue that neither metaethical party should seek complete, solitary domination of the ethical domain. Reductive treatments of the right or the virtuous, as well as projects that abandon the former or latter, are bound to leave us with a sadly diminished map of the moral territories crucial to our lives. Thus, it is better for the two parties to seek a more cordial and equal (...)
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  21. As Thy Days, So Thy Strength.Jesse Jai McNeil - 1960
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    Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya, and Nancy Fraser Brooklyn, N.Y.: Verso, 2019.Jess Otto - forthcoming - Hypatia:1-5.
  23. Attitudes and Social Cognition.Jesse Preston & Daniel M. Wegner - unknown
    The authors found that the feeling of authorship for mental actions such as solving problems is enhanced by effort cues experienced during mental activity; misattribution of effort cues resulted in inadvertent plagiarism. Pairs of participants took turns solving anagrams as they exerted effort on an unrelated task. People inadvertently plagiarized their partners’ answers more often when they experienced high incidental effort while working on the problem and reduced effort as the solution appeared. This result was found for efforts produced when (...)
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  24. Psychology.Jesse Prinz - 2010 - In John Skorupski, The Routledge Companion to Ethics. New York: Routledge.
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    Tactics in theory of mind research.Jesse E. Purdy & Michael Domjan - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):129-130.
    Progress in the “theory of mind” debate would be better served at this point by abandoning the search for a perfect “critical experiment” and developing an incremental research program based on a systematic theory of “theory of mind.” Studies using the goggle procedure advocated by Heyes should dissociate the ability to see from possible behavioral artifacts of “blind” trainers.
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    Ecological states: politics of science and nature in urbanizing China.Jesse Rodenbiker - 2023 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Edited by Albert L. Park.
    This book analyzes how science-based nature protection campaigns are transforming society and the environment through extensive fieldwork in China's southwestern cities. Furthermore, it examines the role of ecology in constituting state power and social inequality.
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  27. Is Attention Necessary and Sufficient for Consciousness?Jesse Prinz - 2011 - In Christopher Mole, Declan Smithies & Wayne Wu, Attention: Philosophical and Psychological Essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 174--204.
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    Beyond human nature: how culture and experience shape the human mind.Jesse J. Prinz - 2012 - New York: W.W. Norton.
    A timely and uniquely compelling plea for the importance of nurture in the ongoing nature-nurture debate. In this era of genome projects and brain scans, it is all too easy to overestimate the role of biology in human psychology. But in this passionate corrective to the idea that DNA is destiny, Jesse Prinz focuses on the most extraordinary aspect of human nature: that nurture can supplement and supplant nature, allowing our minds to be profoundly influenced by experience and culture. (...)
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  29. Perspective-shifting with appositives and expressives.Jesse A. Harris & Christopher Potts - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (6):523-552.
    Much earlier work claims that appositives and expressives are invariably speaker-oriented. These claims have recently been challenged, most extensively by Amaral et al. (Linguist and Philos 30(6): 707–749, 2007). We are convinced by this new evidence. The questions we address are (i) how widespread are non-speaker-oriented readings of appositives and expressives, and (ii) what are the underlying linguistic factors that make such readings available? We present two experiments and novel corpus work that bear directly on this issue. We find that (...)
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  30. The Sensory Basis of Cognitive Phenomenology.Jesse Prinz - 2011 - In Tim Bayne & Michelle Montague, Cognitive Phenomenology. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 174--196.
  31. The onto-hermeneutics of guan.Jesse Flemming - 2008 - In On Cho Ng & Zhongying Cheng, The Imperative of Understanding: Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, and Onto-Hermeneutics: A Tribute Volume Dedicated to Professor Chung-Ying Cheng. Global Scholarly Publications.
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    Increasing bacterial disease resistance in plants utilizing antibacterial genes from insects.Jesse M. Jaynes, Kleanthis G. Xanthopoulos, Luis Destéfano-Beltrán & John H. Dodds - 1987 - Bioessays 6 (6):263-270.
    The introduction of genes into plants encoding potent antibacterial proteins, derived from insects, may significantly augment the level of their resistance to bacterial disease. Using modern techniques, genes of choice can be introduced into plant tissue and this tissue can be manipulated to produce viable plants. The potato has been chosen as the model system, not only because of its plasticity of development, which allows for the relatively easy regeneration of whole plants from transformed tissue, but also because the potato (...)
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  33.  13
    The Logic of Literature (review).Jesse Kalin - 1976 - Philosophy and Literature 1 (1):123-124.
  34. Gut Reactions: A Perceptual Theory of the Emotions.Jesse J. Prinz - 2004 - Oxford University Press.
    Gut Reactions is an interdisciplinary defense of the claim that emotions are perceptions of changes in the body.
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    The idea of progress in Philo Judaeus.Jesse Scott Boughton - 1932 - New York,: New York.
  36. De schaduw onder Groningen.Jesse Havinga & Tjesse Riemersma - 2022 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 62 (4):24-33.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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  37. Kosmisch geknetter.Jesse Havinga - 2023 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 63 (3):14-23.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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  38. Stengersiaanse humor.Jesse Havinga - 2023 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 63 (3):4-5.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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  39. A comparative study of assumption-based approaches to reasoning with priorities.Jesse Heyninck & Christian Straßer - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Logic.
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  40. Which emotions are basic?Jesse Prinz - 2004 - In Dylan Evans & Pierre Cruse, Emotion, Evolution, and Rationality. Oxford University Press. pp. 69--87.
    There are two major perspectives on the origin of emotions. According to one, emotions are the products of natural selection. They are evolved adaptations, best understood using the explanatory tools of evolutionary psychology. According to the other, emotions are socially constructed, and they vary across cultural boundaries. There is evidence supporting both perspectives. In light of this, some have argued both approaches are right. The standard strategy for compromise is to say that some emotions are evolved and others are constructed. (...)
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  41. Against Empathy.Jesse Prinz - 2011 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 49 (s1):214-233.
    Empathy can be characterized as a vicarious emotion that one person experiences when reflecting on the emotion of another. So characterized, empathy is sometimes regarded as a precondition on moral judgment. This seems to have been Hume's view. I review various ways in which empathy might be regarded as a precondition and argue against each of them: empathy is not a component, a necessary cause, a reliable epistemic guide, a foundation for justification, or the motivating force behind our moral judgments. (...)
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  42. The emotional basis of moral judgments.Jesse Prinz - 2006 - Philosophical Explorations 9 (1):29-43.
    Recent work in cognitive science provides overwhelming evidence for a link between emotion and moral judgment. I review findings from psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and research on psychopathology and conclude that emotions are not merely correlated with moral judgments but they are also, in some sense, both necessary and sufficient. I then use these findings along with some anthropological observations to support several philosophical theories: first, I argue that sentimentalism is true: to judge that something is wrong is to have a (...)
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    Topographie der Stadt Rom im Alterthum.Jesse Benedict Carter, H. Jordan & Chr Huelsen - 1907 - American Journal of Philology 28 (3):324.
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  44. Problem : Neo-Scholastic Philosophy in the United States.Jesse A. Mann - 1959 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 33:127.
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  45. Perspectives on reality.Jesse Aloysius Mann - 1966 - New York,: Harcourt, Brace & World. Edited by Gerald F. Kreyche.
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    Rudolf Allers 1884-1963.Jesse A. Mann - 1965 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 39:114 -.
  47.  8
    The Anthropological Sea Change behind Jacques Maritain’s Poetic Metamorphosis from Art and Scholasticism to Creative Intuitive in Art and Poetry.Jesse B. B. Russell - 2019 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 35:107-122.
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  48. What sin is: A differential analysis.Jesse Couenhoven - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (4):563-587.
    In the article "What Sin Is: A Differential Analysis," Jesse Couenhoven delves into the definitions and categorizations of sin according to various Christian doctrines. The author critically examines traditional definitions, such as those provided by the Westminster Confession and catechisms, and argues that they fail to adequately distinguish between sin and evil, often conflating natural evils with sinful acts. Couenhoven also considers gray areas of ethical behavior, such as the actions of a schizophrenic who curses against God or the (...)
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  49. The Aesthetics of Punk Rock.Jesse Prinz - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (9):583-593.
    Philosophers should listen to punk rock. Though largely ignored in analytic aesthetics, punk can shed light on the nature, limits, and value of art. Here, I will begin with an overview of punk aesthetics and then extrapolate two lessons. First, punk intentionally violates widely held aesthetic norms, thus raising questions about the plasticity of taste. Second, punk music is associated with accompanying visual styles, fashion, and attitudes; this points to a relationship between art and identity. Together, these lessons suggest that (...)
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    Advances in Enzymology. [REVIEW]Jesse P. Greenstein - 1948 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 23 (4):752-754.
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